It's all about the......dress.
It is day one of lent here, Ash Wednesday, and I am on my way (-ish. I haven't been fetched yet) to St. Andrew's service down in good old Newlands. (Will try snap a picture on my lousy 2MP Blackberry camera, no flash. Don't rely on that being a success story!)
Going to get ash crossed on my forehead, say my prayers and hope above all hopes that I will come out of this A CONQUERER! (tadaaah! -and that's not TADA (Teenagers Against Drug Abuse for those people who's crescendo into life has also been ruined because of a silly school society.))
So the reason. For the blackness. And the simpleness. Of the dressness. (And speaking of the suffix "-ness". I think it's wonderful. It adds emotion to every object, every thing suddenly is said with love, all by suffixizing (my own little neologism there, my english tutor would be so proud) a once-ordinary word.
I have even changed the name of a friend of mine because of this. It's interesting to see how something so seemingly insignificant can change the whole way you view some thing....for instance, he hates it. And I? I love him all the more for it.)
Why oh why oh why?
What is the point? Well. a.) Style. It's a self-reflective, wish fulfilling, happy-maker materialistic completely superficial thing that I love. b.) Society makes us follow society. Like it or not, we do it. We know to wear X, not wear Y and if wearing both X and Y to do Z. I'm not saying we all follow fashion, no. We don't.
Exhibit A. (For Nicole).
c.) So every day we, and the other 6.9 billion people, decide what to wear. Sure, we justify this by activities and weather and and and. And everyone does it. We are all conformists.
I have decided to give up this conforming for lent and to wear the same simple black dress every day and night.
The most important question of course is what does this dress look like? It's the swinging, hair flinging girl in a dress which is me in what is The Dress.
What are the dressfacts of the day?
My roommate and I went to the park below our res, we snapped some pictures. I went to church, now have an ashen cross on my forehead.
All in a all. A good start!