Last night was great.
Nothing is impossible: when needing to wear green for St. Paddy's and having only a black dress do not fear! Get Nicole's step-mom's Polo Sport tank top and customise your dress until you have a skirt! Problem....what problem?!
It involved the opening of corked wine bottles with knives, the cleaning of the wine splatters from all over the walls because of the knife opening, the pinning of size 14 dresses on the Jammie Shuttle while trying to hold the hidden (and open) wine between your boots. And then stopping off for our own artwork creation with plastic glasses and an R. Mutt sticker in the Hiddingh loo of course.
R. Mutt. (Famous work on urinals by Duchamp, a Dadaism artist).
Our edition to Duchamp's work and Dadaism (making useful object useless).
(What sort of immature people laugh at engagement you may ask...)
Nicole and I did the whole thing. We went to Dubliners, the home of the Guiness beer and green drinks with 80’s music to singalong to. We went to Mr Pickwick’s for a moment of marvel. We went to goodnessknowswhere and had goodnessknowswhat and had goodnesknowshow the best of fun!
All in all, everybody was out to celebrate.

Home now, and to bed we go (after watching Garden State, of course!)
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