Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day Sixteen

What not to do:
Do: the grocery shopping
Do: Make supper and do the washing up when staying at someone's house.
Do: Put the left overs in the fridge.

Because it equals:

Ohkay. Now that is an exaggeration. But it does melt. And melting plastic onto your friend's stove is a big don't.
A normal person would admit it. And apologise...I, however, am not normal.

So google came to the aid and the next day when my friend was at work I found the solution! So here's the Do's to getting plastic off of stoves, for those of you who ingeniously decide to make the same mistake:

Do: Wait for the stove to cool.

Do not: Try to scrub at it with a sponge and a mixture of Jik and Handy Andy while the plate is still hot. It just will burn your fingers.
Do: Take a knife to the stove top and hack at the plastic.
Do not: use a non-serrated knife like the one shown above.
Do: put the stove on full heat.
Do not: forget to put the extractor fan on and open the windows and doors.

And most importantly.. 
Do not: forget to get a new container to replace the one with holes in the bottom! (Task of the day!)

Ps. Do not: let that friend get a hold of your blog address. 

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