Hair pins and kites.
It's autumn officially. Did you know? No? Well that's an obvious sign that you haven't been walking Cape Town's streets then! Oaks yellow yield a crunchedy crunch as you satisfyingly stamp through the gutter. Or, should you be an overcautious freak, you brandish your pepper spray as they blow like a scuffing of feet behind you.
And the squirrels are going mad. It's as though someone told them only yesterday that soon there will be no more acorns. They scamper and scurry and rustle in bushes. They fight and they argue; one pulls one pushes. But I'm not supposed to be waffling on about nothing, There is a purpose in all this jibber jabber and that purpose is hair pins.
And kites.
My hair, as many of you may or may not know, is at length awkward. My fringe is poking at my eyes and seems to be longest at the bridge of my nose, and my ends flick outwards, which was super cute.... in Grade Seven and even then it was borderline.
So what do I do?
What else when people are growing out their hair but tie it up! And so I own a handful of hair pins and I force the little strands to act long as I bun it and pony tail it and force it into longness.
My question today is, does everyone put hair pins in in one direction only? Like hair piece X, Y and Z are always pinned with the closed end on the right? And does it feel impossible to pin them the other way?
Or is this another prank that my lefthandedness is playing on me?
Also...kites. (Researched them for an essay due...) They used to use kites in war and in scientific experiments. In 1903 a boat even sailed from England to America powered by kites! And one last did you know: Alexander Bell, the telephone and gramophone scientist dude died from a kite accident? You see...he designed tetrahedral shaped kites and wheel-shaped kites, even hexagonal ones...and he tested his own kites.
But how cool? Here's one of his wheel kites below!
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