Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day Thirty

I saw this giant poster and cringed. 
My family from Jo'burg suggested we go to Theatre Sports, and even they looked horrified.

Luckily we were an hour early, so we had an hour in Kalk (pronounced 'Cork' for fear of shunnerage from locals...) Bay during which we could all pull ourselves together and man up, over coffee at Tribecca and window shopping, of course!

The Kalk Bay Theatre is really cool! It has big wooden chairs with armrests and comfy cushions. That we were forced to sit in the front row made the chairs no less comfy but I don't think anyone, save my cousin Meg, was comfortable...we were all strategizing which door would be best to slip out of, and that a cough would signal the need for us to leave.

Well weren't we surprised?! We laughed and cried and voted and interacted, and normally I hate interacting in these sort of things. We shouted things like: "STOP in the name of fluff!" and other appropriate things and changed our scores from '1, 2, 3, 4, 5' into acronyms like 'HI' and 'EISH'!

It was an hour and a half long, and we were sad when it was over.

R40 for students (and R50 for non-students) is the best money you'll spend on a Tuesday night. Gather a group and go- you won't be disappointed!

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